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5 Plays To Up Your B2B Marketing Game For 2015

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This year was a pretty good year, and you did an impressive job with your marketing budget. But that doesn’t get you off the hook for 2015. There is always room for improvement, and with technology changing daily, you can’t afford to be left behind. Some marketing tactics can always be used, like top-notch copywriting and creative promotional items, but others come and go as quickly as the latest iPhone. Here is what you need to do to stay in front of the curve for the new year.

Build a Connection

With the popularity of social media and the importance of relevant content to search results, being genuine has never been more crucial. As Forbes points out, people are no longer satisfied with simply seeing your offerings and making a purchase. They need to know who you are, what you stand for and that you sincerely care about them as a client.


To do this, you need be active on social media and have a blog with regularly posted content. However — and this is a big caveat — all of these efforts should be strictly focused on helping your target market. These platforms are not the place for strong sales language. That being said, you do want to make sure your branding is clear.

Brush Up on Copywriting

You may have been able to write a killer sales letter your first year on the job, but have you brushed up on your clients’ latest wants and needs? Chances are they have changed, and so should your approach. Read a new book, research your competitors, or attend industry conferences on the subject. Once you feel armed and ready, put your newfound knowledge to the test. The results may surprise you.

Optimize for Mobile

If you look at your own buying habits, chances are you have used your phone to make a purchase — or at least research one — several times in the past week. Guess what? You are not alone. Mobile use is rampant, and your website better be optimized for the occasion. Yes, this even applies to B2B business. Just because you don’t have a retail store or e-com site, that doesn’t mean your clients aren’t looking you up on the go. Don’t skimp here, because it will cost you big. People don’t have patience for poorly functioning sites when they are using their phones, so they will just move on to your competitor when your site is not cooperating.

Go Back to School

If you really want to step up your marketing game in 2015, B2B Marketing suggests heading back to class. There are so many online options today that you can fit into your busy schedule, so a lack of time is no longer an excuse. An MBA in marketing, business or business analytics will provide you with a fresh look at marketing that you can use to catapult your success. The degree may even be able to land you a raise.

Embrace Change

As you know, technology is constantly improving, and one of the biggest marketing mistakes you can make is not taking advantage of it. Yes, redoing your marketing strategy can be scary, expensive and time consuming, but if it makes the process more efficient and profitable in the long run, it is worth the effort. Continually seek out the latest improvements in lead generation and sales conversions and don’t be afraid to try some out.


It’s equally important to be willing to let some of your old marketing tactics go. Just because you have been using them for decades, that doesn’t mean they are still effective. If it has been several years since you have seen the ROI you were hoping for, it may be time to say goodbye and spend the funds on a strategy that is more relevant.


You know that the marketing game is always changing, and now is the time to really take an in-depth look at where your resources are going. Just because something worked this year, that doesn’t mean it’s going to work next year. You need to take the time now to reallocate your funds to make the most of your efforts come January.